My essays in these volumes were published under my former last name, Cindy Appel.
Stories of Strength
Stories of Strength is a fund-raising anthology with all proceeds going to the Red Cross disaster relief fund. My essay, "When Life Gives You Grapefruit", appears alongside pieces written by best-selling authors Orson Scott Card and Robin Lee Hatcher. You can read more about the anthology online
Journeys of Friendship
ISBN 1-59310-686-6
Many people will tell you that the very best things in life are love, friendship, hope, and joy. But sometimes the trials of life-tragic losses, bad decisions-can make those treasures feel distant and out of reach. In this encouraging series of four books, God Allows U-Turns Project founder/editor Allison Gappa Bottke offers true stories of life-changing experiences-those that open hearts to life's captivating joy and surprising hope. These beautifully woven life stories align our longing to connect and be understood with God's deepest desire to gather us together as brothers, sisters, and families, revealing truth and beauty.
My inspirational essay, "Cyber Witness", appears in this anthology from Barbour Publishing. This book is available via Amazon:
Misadventures of Moms and Disasters of Dads
I have two humorous essays about parenting in Misadventures of Moms and Disasters of Dads. It's a delightful volume guaranteed to bring tears of joy to your eyes. Order your copy from Moms In Print today--for every book sold a dollar goes to fight the war on breast cancer. (A great gift for that special mom in your life.)
GOD ALLOWS U-TURNS: True Stories of Hope and Healing
GOD ALLOWS U-TURNS : ISBN 1-58660-300-0
from Promise Press, an imprint of Barbour Publishing
"This is no run-of-the-mill, cheesy inspirational book. In "The Nativity Scene at Easter," Cindy Appel offers a simple meditation on the connections between Easter and Christmas. ...Readers will enjoy this volume and eagerly await not just future anthologies by the same editors, but essays and devotions by the dozens of contributors they will discover here... This is not a book to read in one sitting--the bite-sized chapters should be savored one or two at a time, like chocolates from a sampler."
--Publisher's Weekly (July 2, 2001)
The books in this series are filled with wonderful, true stories of real people who found a God-given second chance. You'll be amazed at what God has done--and at what He can do for you!